Lovely Adelcy! ♥

2012 introduced itself to us in two grand ways: the birthday of our dear Amiel Mateo (01-02-2012), and Ate Adel's 54-day stay in the hospital when she suffered a stroke due to post-eclampsia when she gave birth to Amiel.

That was really the toughest time for our family. Kuya Maic, my second brother and Ate Adel's husband, was currently in the other side of the world, finishing his contract as a seafarer when these events happened. It was the toughest for him, because he had no idea what's happening, and we didn't know how to break it to him. When Ate was in coma and Kuya was still on board, we asked him to send us his voice messages that we can let Ate listen to, so she would feel his presence. I remember crying on my desk as I listened to Kuya's voice, trying his very best to be strong for Ate.

It was during the most challenging times that we felt the Lord's love. We were blessed abundantly. Kuya was allowed to come home and stayed with us for a few months. People prayed for us and helped us with our needs, whether in cash or in the medical equipment we needed. And just when Kuya was about to give up because Ate is still in coma, finally, after 3 weeks, she woke up. And two days before Ate Adel's birthday, on February 24, we are home.

She is still going through sessions of Physical and Occupational Therapy four days a week. And she just had her OT session this afternoon when I visited her. Her therapists would always give positive feedback about her progress, and they said her goal is to be able to walk again by December (because we have lots of gala, reunions and parties lined up). When I entered her room earlier, I just couldn't help but admire her, how strong and joyful she is, and still as lovely as ever. She has gained weight, and her skin tells she's in the pink of health. In fairness, the new hairdo ala-Demi Moore looked great on her!

Ate Adel, pic taken in Festival mall last Sunday

Amiel Mateo (boy po sya!) now 8 months old. Looks a lot like mommy!

Thank You, Lord for all the miracles You have shown us! You are truly a Great God! ♥

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