34 weeks down...

Wow baby, we're now on our 34th week together in my tummy! How are you doing there? I bet you're having a good time inside mommy's belly, with all the kicks and jabs you give me every time I eat and laugh, or even when I sleep. I'm sure you're excited to come out and see the world. We're super excited to see you, too! Daddy's preparing our room now, and your Lola Mila has already washed your clothes. Your Lola Amy and I have already shopped some of your stuffs, but Daddy and I will also shop for some more this weekend. :)

It's been about 8 months when I've stopped drinking coffee and softdrinks. It was tough at first, since coffee is my fuel, and Mountain Dew is my energizer when I didn't have enough sleep. I have somehow forgotten how they tasted, but their aroma is enough. I can get rid of all these caffeinated and carbonated beverages if it's for you, little boy.

A friend added me in a Facebook group called "Breastfeeding Pinays" and so far I am getting more and more excited to carry you in my bosom as I feed you with my most precious milk. I have been learning a lot from that group and I hope we'll also experience the immeasurable joy of breastfeeding.

We got just a few weeks to go, son. Maybe 6 more weeks, but if you're ready enough, we may see each other in a month's time. Or even less. Oh the thought gives me chills!

Thank you, darling, for being such a good boy to mommy. My friend's say that I am lucky with my pregnancy that I never get to experience morning sickness and illnesses. All our tests and vital signs were A-OK and I give credits to your daddy for taking good care of us. I'm sure you'll always be a good boy like your daddy and titos and lolos and Kuya Miggy and Kuya Amiel. We'll go to church together and I'll teach you to be a rockstar and Daddy will let you play with his lens so you can also be a good photographer like him. :)

Most of all, we'll pray together. Before Daddy and I got married, we were taught to build a church. And you, our most precious gift, are our Church. I know you will grow up to be a responsible Christian, with all the guidance of your lolos and lolas.

I could go on and on with the words I want to tell you. This is how excited I am. I thank the Lord for blessing us with you, our Matt Daniel. ♥

1 comment:

  1. ahahay!! diziziiiiit!!! grabe 1 month? sobrang lapit na te!! exciting!


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